I find myself in an interesting dilemma, and I sit down to write this review. Exactly how can one review a film called Bikini Girls on Ice? This is the title of this review so deserve? Not the title say it all? Even within such low-budget schlockery there comes a point where the film ceases to be worthy of criticism. You know why? I was wrong and I take it all again. When dealing in this type of cinematic garbage that we do everything is worth looking at and nothing is beneath us. Let's dive in the trash ...
To review the bikini girls on the ice I'm going to depart from the rule. I took notes while watching this film, which is usually what I do whenever the revision in the system. After less than a summary has taken the low road and simply scan and print these notes here for you to enjoy. They are not always coherent - and more exotic ideas that hit me when I saw the movie, and ideas that would normally form the basis for more formal review. Ideas that could be improved. But in this case I think they can stand alone.
When a group of hot girls college decides to host a car wash bikini (miles miles away from campus college) to help raise funds for whatever reason you're involved with, they found themselves broke and stranded in some gas stations hair pay attention in the mid-bumfuckville. Oh yes, some mentally ill is hiding in the shadows and piracy even loves people who come calling.
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