Dolphin Tattoos

Dolphin tattoo designs have become quite popular, and they are a great choice for tattoos. You can have dolphins on almost any body part, and they can be used in many different types of tattoo art, whether, Celtic, tribal or something unique of your own choosing. Dolphins are considered magical animals in many ancient cultures. They are often referred to in Greek mythology, where they are shown carrying the love goddess Aphrodite, or accompanying the sea god Poseidon. Other cultures, from the Celts to the Pacific Islanders have seen beauty, magic and power in these playful creatures. Today, much more is known about dolphins and they are recognized as one of the most intelligent of species. They even possess their own language. Many people now go on swim with dolphin programs, or go on cruises in the hope of seeing them. As tattoos, dolphins can represent many different things. They can represent the spirit of play, creativity and freedom. Or they can be a totem or protective animal spirit, if that's something you resonate with.
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