Breast Cancer Fundraiser Offers Ribbon Tattoos

These tattooed symbols of new life are poised near pink ribbons that hold special meaning for mother and daughter. Patty Krauss is a two-time breast cancer survivor, who lost her own mother to the disease. Their breast cancer tattoos were done to remember Katrina's grandmother, and celebrate Patty's survival. Breast cancer survivors and co-survivors...

Dragon Tattoo Stencils

Dragons are easily one of the most well recognized mythical creatures around. Their legends stem from the annals of ancient Chinese and Japanese culture, that tell tales of giant flying serpent like creatures that can breathe fire. The entire conceptualization of a dragon is such that it inspires a lot of mystery and power. As a result of...

Henna Tattoo Stencils

Choose heavy colors for your henna tattoo if you want it to last longer. Pale colors tend to fade and diminish quickly. The longer your henna tattoo stays the more value you get in spending expensively for it. It is a reality that our society has prejudice on persons with tattoos, stereotyping them too. They have many preconceive ideas like...

Tribal Tattoo Stencils

The first tribal tattoo designs were unplanned and happened due to particular circumstances. It is known that the first tribal tattoo had occurred because of a fall into the fire where a charred stick penetrated the skin and left a mark forever. Tribal tattoo designs were also used by people to ‘mark’ themselves so that they could belong...

Skull Tattoo Stencils

One design that still remains popular is the cattle skulls with snakes or lizards protruding from the eyes, but here are many more like tribal skulls with bold lines and the darkness of the vacant eye sockets. Or perhaps, you prefer colour like a lotus flower or rose to accompany the skull, or be like me, I have a smiling skull on my upper...