Wrist Tattoos

Wrist tattoos are very popular for both men and women as there are many design choices available. There are also several placement options as well. Here are some ideas to consider before you get your wrist tattoo.One of the most popular choices for wrists are bracelet type tattoos that encircle the entire wrist. Good design choices for...

Tattoo Design For Guys - Great Tattoo Drawings That Guys Absolutely Love

Like girls, guys also have the flare for colors and beauty. You would be surprise that they are also quite meticulous in choosing their own tattoo designs and they seek inspirations from various sources. Here are some of the most common drawings that they love.Chains. Guys love the look of chains tattooed on their arms, back, or ankles....

Drawing Tattoos - Tattoo Ideas

Drawing tattoos is fun but when you get stuck for design ideas it's not so fun as you could get frustrated by having to think about drawing what you love to do, the process of coming up with quality tattoo concept ideas can flow quite easily if you take the following into consideration.Draw on interests - Your main area of interest you...

Tattoo Drawings - You Might Be Missing Out on a Lot of Real Artwork

Depending on how you're currently searching for tattoo drawings, there's a huge chance you are staring at bad artwork. When I talk about "bad" art, I am pointing at the generic stuff that's laced throughout the web. This cookie cutter junk seems to be everywhere now, but it's really not, because changing how you search for tattoo drawings...

Girl Tattoo Galleries - The Number One Choice For Tattoo Choosing

Online girl tattoo galleries are becoming increasingly popular ways of finding the tattoo design that's perfect for you. With a limited supply of tattoos available for you to choose from in a tattoo parlour, many people are looking online for designs that they can give their tattooist to reproduce on their skin.Girls in particular are generally...

Tattoo Art Gallery - There Are Two Types of Galleries Out There

One type of tattoo art gallery will be stuffed to the brim with original, perfectly drawn artwork. The other type will be bloated with every generic design they could get their paws on. Why am I telling you this? I'm doing it because you've probably seen every generic place on the planet, but have no idea where the better galleries are....

Various Types of Bird Tattoo Design

Bird tattoo designs have taken precedence over all other forms and types of tattoo designs universally. Across time, space and cultures, the bird has stood as a symbol of freedom, of spirit, of soul, of beauty. Flying high in the blue skies, birds are said to be closer to the gods and the heavens, and in many cultures, are viewed as creatures...

Tribal Sun Tattoos - Meaning, Popularity, Designs of these Sun Tattoos

The sun is the source of all energy, the provider for all lives on earth because without the sun, there'll be no life, the earth will be frozen in darkness. For thousands of years, the sun has been worshiped as god in many ancient cultures. The sun designs can be seen in many artworks of the Mayans, Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, and Babylonians...

Male Tattoo Pictures - A Great Way to Find Tattoo Design Ideas

Thinking about getting an artwork tattooed on a specific part of your body? One of the most common designs among male tattoos is a fire dragon. Girls rarely sport dragon tattoos, but they are quite popular among men. Dragons symbolize power and heroism. The strongest dragon is the fire dragon. You can have a fire dragon portrayed on your...

Tribal Dog Tattoo - Tips on Getting Your New Tattoo

You are looking for a tribal dog tattoo - which is awesome. Ideally your choice reflects your personal tastes and sense of aesthetics. But now comes the most important part: searching for the perfect image. The time and effort you put in finding the right tattoo will reflect in how much you (and others) love your tattoo, and for how long....

How a Bird Turned Into a Man - Chris Andersen Tattoos

Among all NBA players, Chris Andersen is the one who can proudly show off the most amazing tattoos. In this article I will try to describe this singular and often underestimated basketball player and his wonderful tattoos.During this 2008/2009 NBA Season, Chris Andersen, also known as "The Birdman" (name he earned for his flying ability...

Getting a Bird Tattoo Design Can Be Special

Bird tattoo designs come form many sources and there are many articles like this one on bird designs . Have you ever been out with your family or friends and caught sight of an odd looking bird. These are some of the most unique tattoos that you can get ink'd.Bird Tats are a way for someone to show their connection to the outdoors and...